Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back to Blogging

I've been doing some serious slacking on my blog updates so be prepared to see a lot of updates for the same day. =)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nick and Bethany

After many weeks of re-scheduling due to weather or work I was finally able to get with Nick and Beth for their engagement shoot! I had talked with Beth over emails and texts and come to find out we had already met before and had no idea! Made for a nice surprise when we finally saw eachother. With the exception of the 100 mph winds, the weather was perfect. We went to a few locations around town before heading to an old barn on Bethany's land which I loved! I'm always excited when clients have a new location I've never shot at before in mind. Once again, some of the neighbor's dogs wanted to jump in the pictures. I'm starting to notice a weird pattern with dogs interfering with my shoots....

 Book your wedding during the months of April and May and get a FREE engagement shoot! Email me at


Monday, March 28, 2011

The M. Family

I absolutely love this family. Kristi is so sweet and easygoing, Alyx is beyond adorable and Easton is such a good, big brother! He was jumping around and doing whatever he could to make Alyx laugh which was a HUGE help to me. We had a couple of surprises during our shoot and one was a little chihuahua that kept wanting to jump in the pictures. No matter what we did, it just kept coming around so Kristi got stuck juggling it and getting the kids situated. At least it made Alyx laugh!

Oh, and I almost forgot their other daughter...Bridget! I think she gets her good looks from her dad, Eddie ;).

 ^^ This picture cracks me up! ^^

"My Bubba Rocks!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The H. Family

It seems like yesterday when we did Brandt and Angela's maternity pictures. Now Kaben is 6 months old! Seriously, where does the time go?!? We started the session at their home and then went to a friend's property for some outdoor shots. It was so nice being outside without having to layer on the clothes. I'm definitely happy Spring is here!



Monday, March 14, 2011

Easter Mini Event

To book a session - E-mail me at with the time you want, how many people (up to 4) and the ages of your kiddos!

I will have a couple of props with me, but if you have any other things you want to incorporate just let me know!

Miss RayLeigh

I finally decided to start a blog! Now I can show more pictures from sessions and upload better quality photos!

I had the opportunity to take pictures of this gorgeous little girl on Thursday.  Her name is RayLeigh and she turns 3 years old in May. She was so much fun and full of personality. It was kinda chilly, but that didn't seem to bother her one bit. She was running around, hopping on one foot and happy with just playing in the dirt! I think after a while she got tired of taking pictures because she started to develop a fake smile... You'll know the picture when you see it. ;)